We get a lot of questions on a daily basis and want to make sure you get the best and most accurate answer possible. Here is a list of frequently asked questions!

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Prospective Residents

What if I have a low credit score?


What if I have eviction history?


How do I know that I meet the rental criteria needed to possibly be approved?


How much is due upon approval of my application?

  • Pro-Rated Rent
  • Move-In Funds
  • See Move-In Costs page for more details on the home you are applying for.


Do I need to view/drive-by the home before renting?

  • Yes! We have a policy that requires you to view the home before renting to avoid surprises after move-in!
  • Click here to schedule a self guided tour —> https://u13380.rently.com/propertiesSearch2


Why do I have to pay to take a tour on Rently?

  • Rently is a third party service we use to show our units, they may require payment for verification purposes. We do not receive any money from them.


What are the pet fees?


How much is the application fee?

  • The application fee is $65 per adult over 18 who is on the lease. All adults over 18 must be approved before moving into the property.


How long does the application process take after submission?

  • It takes 1-2 business days to process each application after we have a complete file to review.


What happens if I apply for a home but it get’s rented before my application is processed?

  • We will keep your application for 30 days and if you find a property on our site that you enjoy we can move your application to that property if requested in writing.


Do you work with Rapid Rehousing/HOM Inc/Section 8?

  • Yes, we do work with all housing vouchers and programs.


Can I schedule a tour?

  • Copy this link to your browser to schedule a showing at your convenience: https://u13380.rently.com/propertiesIframe?full= Welcome! This home is still accepting applications since it is listed online on our website. Here is a video with more information on this home! https://youtu.be/6Ud-7H15YOM. Thank you for your interest in one of our properties.
  • If the home is not ready for immediate move-in then you must only drive-by the home, please do not disturb any tenants.


How do I pay my move-in funds?

  • You will use a RentMoney Voucher at your local Fry’s or Walmart. You can obtain the RentMoney Voucher by going to the Cash option in your tenant portal.


How do I pay my Pro-Rated rent?

  • You will use a RentMoney Voucher at your local Fry’s or Walmart. You can obtain the RentMoney Voucher by going to the Cash option in your tenant portal.


How do I pay my first month of rent?

  • You will use a RentMoney Voucher at your local Fry’s or Walmart. You can obtain the RentMoney Voucher by going to the Cash option in your tenant portal.


When can I use the online payment system?

  • After you have paid your move-in funds, pro-rated rent and first month’s rent.


Why was my application denied?

  • Please check your email, you have received a decline letter with the reasons listed.


What are reasons my application would be cancelled? (this may not be a complete list of all reasons)

  • Failure to sign the lease before your offer date.
  • Failure to pay the Move-In funds before your offer date.
  • Failure to communicate in regards to viewing the property, completing the application packet, or paying the move-in funds.


Can I negotiate on any of the lease terms?

  • The terms that we advertise are the terms that we approve, however we will consider your written request.


When should I apply?

  • When you submit your application, you should have your ‘total due upon approval’ ready to pay. 
  • See Move-In Costs page for more details on the home you are applying for.


Does the water softener work?

  • The large majority of the homes we manage do not have water softeners, if there is one on the property it is mostly likely not working or has been disconnected.


How does hauled water work?

  • Some of the properties we manage are on hauled water. This means that there is storage tank on site for the non potable water that will use when renting the home for showers, cleaning, and from all plumbing fixtures. The cost for this will vary depending on your usage. You can contact Dynamite Water for the costs for this to get a quote but we understand that the cost can be $400-600 per month depending on how much you use.


Why is there a $40 air filter charge?

  • Market Edge Realty prides itself on providing the best service providers and maintenance programs to our valued residents. To that end we have engaged an air filter service provider for our properties. This is a monthly charge of $40 and the air filter is changed every other month. You will work with our partner, Air Filters To You for this great program which will keep your air clean and lower your air conditioning costs.


Why is there a $40 Utility Processing Fee?

  • Utilities will stay on under the owner or management company during the lease. This is the processing charge for service to stay on.
  • You will be responsible for this monthly $40 charge and the actual cost of the utility used. 


Do I need income to be approved for an application?

  • You would either pay the full 12 months lease up front or show that your take home pay is at least three times the rent. If you can’t do that then we will ask for a co-signer.


Current Resident Questions

Why would I not be offered a renewal, evicted from the property, or given notice to vacate?

  • In AZ, the landlord is not obligated to provide a reason for the non renewal notice. 


When do I get lease renewal options? 

  • Typically, we notify you 120 days before your lease is up. If you have not heard from us by then, please reach out to the office.


Why would I be issued a breach of lease? (this may not be a complete list of all reasons)

  • Examples of breach of lease include:
    • Harassment of management
    • Brandishing a gun
    • City or CC and R code violations
    • Disturbing neighbors
    • Unapproved occupant
    • Unapproved pet
    • Threatening a lawsuit or other legal complaint
    • Repairs to home without approval
    • Damage to home
    • Failure to disclose damage to the home
    • Non payment of rent
    • HOA violations
    • Refusal to obtain renter’s insurance


Why can’t I use the online portal to pay my rent instead of the RentMoney Voucher? (this may not be a complete list of all reasons)

  • There are a few reasons this may be happening:
    • Payment bounced
    • Non-payment of rent
    • First time paying rent (first months rent)


What are the standard late fees Market Edge Realty has in place for Non-Payment of rent?

  • Late fees vary from lease to lease, however if you are on a Market Edge Realty Lease the late fees are as follows:
    • $100 Breach of Lease Charge on the second of the month.
    • $100 Late Fee on the second of the month
    • $20 per day starting on the 3rd of the month.
  • Again late fees vary and will be listed on your lease and/or the non-payment notice you recieve.


Why is my electric bill so high?

  • It is very hot here in Arizona, so we suggest when you leave to go to work during the day, turn the AC up to 82◦-84◦ and when you go to bed turn to 78◦ with a floor fan if needed.


What do I do if my appliances are not working?

  • Washer, Dryer, counter-top microwave and refrigerator are as is there for the tenant to use but the landlord is not obligated to repair or replace them.
  • Dishwasher, Built-In-Microwave and stove are fixtures of the property and landlord will repair (if they can be repaired) or replace if repair is not an option.
    • You may not get exactly the same type of appliance you have now if you get a replacement.
  • Any tenant caused damage to an appliance will be repaired or replaced, and the expense of this will be passed on to the tenant.


Why is the property I live in listed for rent?

  • We are building a waitlist for the property, this does not mean that you can’t renew your lease.
  • Or you have given/been given notice to move out.


What are the requirements at move out?

  • If you are present for the walk-through (or if you are not) these are the items on the home that will be inspected.  If these items are not present, clean, or repaired, the charges to correct them will be deducted from the security deposit. This is not a comprehensive list and additional items may apply on a case-by-case basis that would impact your security deposit. 


    1. The same number of keys to the home as issued at move-in. This is including any mailbox, pool, shed, and garage door openers received. 
      • This information can be obtained by viewing page 3 line 107 of your Residential Lease Agreement within your Tenant Portal
    1. Landscaping (FRONT & BACKYARD) + Trash  Cans
      • Free of debris, weeds, dog droppings, and any foreign material.  
      • All rocks should be raked over and smooth.  
      • Trees, grass, and shrubs should be neatly trimmed and pruned back away from the structure, roof, foundation, and windows.
      • Trash cans left inside the garage or behind the backyard gate. DO NOT leave in the street
    1. Parking
      • The garage, carport, shed, driveway, sidewalks, and or patios should be swept off, hosed off, and free of stains, debris, and any foreign material.
    1. Windows 
      • Interior and exterior windows should be cleaned.
      • All screens are in place on all windows and patio doors.
    1. Pool 
      • Clean of debris, weeds, toys, and any foreign material should be removed from skimmers, pool equipment area, and pool.  
      • Pool equipment onsite at move-in should be left at the home.
    1. Interior 
      • All baseboards, window sills, doors, and door jambs should be wiped down and cleaned throughout the home.
      • All trash and debris should be removed from the home.
      • All personal property should be removed from the home
      • All light bulbs should be working.
      • Batteries in smoke detectors should not be beeping.  Replace as needed.
      • Clean air filters in all returns.
      • Walls wiped down.
      • Ceiling fans should be free of dust and clean.
      • Closet doors should be wiped down and in good working order. 
      • Nail holes spackle and paint touched up
      • All light fixtures throughout the home should be clean and dust-free.
      • Hard flooring should be clean and sanitized.  
      • Grout should be steam cleaned. 
      • Carpets must be professionally cleaned. Please send a receipt to the office so you are not charged for this
    1. Bathrooms
      • interior, exterior, and top of all vanities and cabinets should be cleaned. 
      • Mirrors should be clean of all smudges.  
      • The shower and bathtub drain should drain freely.  
      • Shower walls, doors, and floors should be cleaned.  
      • The toilet should be cleaned and sanitized.  
      • The toilet seat should be cleaned and replaced if needed.  
      • Faucets in the shower and sink should be clean and shiny.
    1. Kitchen–interior, exterior, and top of all cabinets should be cleaned. 
      • The sink should be clean and shiny.  Inside, outside, and top of all appliances should be clean. 
      • The stove and fridge should be moved out and the sides of appliances cleaned and the floor underneath cleaned.  
      • The sink drain and dishwasher should drain freely.  
      • No debris should be in the disposal.  
      • The faucet should be clean and shiny.  
      • Inside oven and oven drawer should be clean.
    1. Pest control service performed on the home.
  • We will need you to provide copies of any receipts for materials purchased -—for example, air filters, light bulbs, smoke detector batteries, etc.  Also provide a copy of any invoices for services performed on the home—cleaning service, carpet cleaning, pest control, handyman bill, etc. You can email copies of the receipts to Office@RentUSA.info.
  • A security deposit refund can take up to 14 business days under the landlord-tenant act in Arizona from the date the keys are returned to the home for the security deposit refund to be sent to you (IF the move-out inspection completed determines that you are receiving a refund).  A move-out walk-through at the property will not be scheduled until the keys are returned to the office.  Utilities must be on during final move-out inspections. Contact utility companies to arrange final readings after the scheduled move-out inspection. Typically, it is within a few business days of returning the keys that we schedule the move-out walk-through. We will notify you of the walk-through date only upon your written request.  The only thing that happens at the walk-through is that photos are taken. No discussion of a security deposit refund will take place since vendor estimates, and final utility billing will have to be reviewed (if applicable). 
  • Under Arizona state law, it can take up to 14 business days after the keys are returned to notify you of the status of the security deposit. However, due to demand in the housing market and the construction industry, we will need the full 14 days to notify you of the status.
  • Please note that rent and late fees are still due on the property until you return possession of the home and ALL keys.  Refundable deposits are not used toward the final rent payment that is still due.
  • You must provide us with a forwarding address for the security deposit return. The security deposit less any amounts owed for cleaning or repairs will be sent to your new address along with a deposit reconciliation.  Failure to provide a forwarding address will result in your deposit being mailed to your last known place of residence.
  • To return the keys to the home, I will provide you instructions in detail closer to your move out date.
  • PLEASE NOTE THAT THE KEYS TO THE HOUSE MUST BE RETURNED TO THE LOCKBOX NO LATER THAN YOUR MOVE-OUT DATE OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED THE FULL MONTH OF RENT FOR THE NEXT MONTH PLUS TWO MONTHS PUNITIVE DAMAGES PER ARIZONA REVISED STATUTE 33-1362. A holdover eviction court hearing will be requested with the court for the day following your expected move-out date if keys are not received.